Tuesday, June 15, 2010

'Rum Tiramisu', it's Different

                                                       'Tiramisu',  with Rum 

I know, making Tiramisu with anything other than 'Marsala' wine feels like Blasphemy to Italian Chefs, but
 there is no way I can get 'Marsala' in a small Indian town like Jhansi! So I improvise! I've made Tiramisu
using Cherry brandy liqueur a few times and it turned out delicious so, this time I wanted to create some  variation.
Some time back I'd tried making Lemon Tiramisu also after reading it in somebody's blog but, I did not 
like it much. Then I read some people's views who'd made it with Rum and thought of giving it a try. It came out quite well and was really appreciated by everybody! So, here I am, sharing it with you, with step-by-step
Another thing different that I did was that I made the sponge-fingers using baking powder in the batter.
The result was that the fingers spread more sideways so they were a bit flattish and broadish but the taste was good, so I made the adjustment by making the Tiramisu with 3 layers instead of the customary 2.

                                         Here is how it goes-
 The First step-  is to make Mascarpone cheese. If you live in a big city and can get ready-made mascarpone cheese in some departmental store, you can omit this step otherwise you'll have to make it at home only, as I do, and so you will have to start at least two days in advance as it needs some time to mature. 
( You can get the recipe and method for making Mascarpone at home from an earlier blog of mine, that of 21 May '10 )
 The Second step-  is to make Sponge-fingers. You can make them using any recipe of your choice
  but this is how I made them-
         Ingredients for sponge-fingers-   
         (1)  130 gm.flour,  (2)  1/2 tsp. baking powder,  (3)  160 gm. powdered sugar,  (4)  4 egg yolks,
         (5)  4 egg whites and,  (6)  1/4 tsp. cream of tartar.
          1.  Sieve flour and baking powder together 3-4 times and keep aside. Line two large baking         
               rays with baking paper.  
        2.  Beat egg yolks , vanilla essence and half the sugar till thick    
            and pale yellow. At this stage pre- heat the oven also to200c.

       3.  Sprinkle cream of tartar over egg-whites and beat on high till  
            soft peaks form. Start adding the remaining sugar, and beat     
            till stiff and glossy.

       4.  Gently mix approx.1/3 of egg-whites into egg-yellow mixture,
            sprinkle the flour over it and fold-in nicely and lastly, gently     fold-in the rest of egg-whites.

       5.  Fill-up a pastry bag, without nozzel, with this batter and pipe fingers on the paper-lined baking 

        6.  Bake for about 10 minutes. When the sides of fingers start browning a little you should know    that they are done. If you like crisp fingers, let them bake for 1-2 minutes more. Take out of
the oven and let cool for 2 minutes. Separate them from the paper while still warm.

The third step-   is to make the 'zabaglion'. Traditionally it is made with raw eggs but in India
most people won't like eating anything made with raw eggs in it so I cook egg-yolks with sugar.
Ingredients for Zabaglion(custard)-     (1) 5 egg-yolks, 2)  50gm. sugar,(3)  110 ml. rum syrup,
  made by mixing 50 ml. rum with 60 ml. caramel-sugar syrup (which, in turn, can be made by
dissolving 35gm. caramelized sugar in approx. 60 ml. water, bringing the mixture to the boil
and simmering for about 1 minute).
Method -   You will need a double boiler here and, if you do not have one take a set of two
pans where one pan fits on the top of the other, lower, pan.
1. Beat egg yolks and sugar till pale yellow in color in the upper pan.
2.  Fill the lower pan 1/3 with water, bring it to the boil and let simmer.
3.  Hold the pan containing egg yellows over it's mouth and add the rum                                                                                                                           
mixture, beating all the time till it becomes quite thick.   
4.  Remove from fire, transfer in a steel bowl and keep aside, in a water-
bath, to cool. 

The Fourth step-   is to mix all the ingredients of the 'filling'.
Ingredients-  (1) The Zabaglione made above,  (2)  200 gm.heavy, whipping cream,
(3)  1 Tbsp. powdered sugar and, (4)  350 gm. mascarpone cheese.
Method-   1.  Bring mascarpone to room temperature and beat nicely till smooth. Fold it in the cooled
2.  Whip the heavy cream with powdered sugar till soft peak stage and fold it into the mascarpone mixture gently but thoroughly.
Cover this bowl with foil and put in the fridge till required.

The Fifth Step-  is making the 'dip' for sponge fingers.
Ingredients-   (1)  1 cup strong, black coffee,  (2)  80 ml. rum,  (3)  50 ml. simple sugar
syrup and, (4)  2 tsp. vanilla essence.
Method-  Let the coffee cool to room temperature, add rest of the things and mix nicely.

The Sixth Step-  is 'assmbling' the dessert and, for this you will need-
Ingredients-  (1)  30 sponge fingers made above,in the second step,   (2)  the 'Dip' made in   
the fifth step,  (3)  the mascarpone mixture made in the fourth step and, (4)  some cocoa powder.   

Method-   1. Sprinkle some cocoa powder to cover the base of the serving dish. Now dip each finger in  the coffee dip just for a split second so as not to soak through. You may have to
 squeeze gently if they soak-up excess liquid. Lay 10 fingers, 5 on a side, to make the first layer.
2.  Spread 1/4 of the macarpone mixture over this first layer and spread evenly. 

3.  In this manner, make two more layers, spreading the remaining mascarpone mixture around the sides also to cover the dessert completely and then sprinkle some cocoa powder to cover it.

4.  Cover the whole dish with foil and refrigerate overnight, so that it 'sets' nicely.

The Seventh step-  is to Serve!  Take out from the fridge, invite your friends and family to the table
 and watch it disappear within no time!


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