Saturday, September 4, 2010

Delicious and easy Coconut Cake.

                                                                   Coconut Cake

'Delicious, aromatic and easy to make'; This is how this cake can be described! And the best thing 
is, it does not need any icing or accompaniment! Try baking it and you'll understand what I mean. So, here is how you go about it--

Ingredients:-     1.  Flour-280 gm.;    2.  Baking powder- 1 1/2 tsp.;    3.  Sugar (powdered)-280gm.;
4.  Butter-220gm.;    5.  Eggs- 4;    6.  Milk- 100ml.;    7.  Curd or buttermilk- 50ml.;    8.  Desiccated
coconut- 1 1/2 cup;    9.  Vanilla essence- 1 1/2 tsp.;    10.  Salt-1/2 tsp.
Method:-     1. First of all, grease and line a 9inch baking pan with butter paper, putting two layers on the base and, set the oven temp. at 180 C (only the bottom coil).
2. Sieve together flour and baking powder 3-4 times, on a news paper or brown paper so that they are nicely mixed. Sprinkle salt over it and sift with fingers to mix.
3. Beat together butter (room temp.) and sugar, first at medium and then at high speed, in the mixer bowl.
When the mixture turns creamy and fluffy, start adding eggs, one at a time and beat for at least one minute after each addition. If the mixture curdles on adding egg, add a table-spoon of flour also and mix nicely.
4.  When all the eggs have been added, mix-in the curd and vanilla and stop the mixer.
5. With the help of a big spoon or spatula fold-in the flour alternating with milk, in four batches, ending with flour. Now, sprinkle the desiccated coconut over the batter and mix gently. Do not beat.
6.  Spread this batter in the baking pan ( it will not be of pouring consistency), smooth the top and put in the oven. It will take 50 to 60 minutes but, as there is a lot of variation in the oven temperatures, start checking after 40 minutes with a clean and dry skewer or knitting needle. If the skewer comes out with wet crumbs attached to it, let it cook for 10 more minutes and check again.
7.  For the last 10 to 15 minutes, you can turn-on both upper as well as lower coils to get a nicely browned
upper crust, as I did. When the cake is finally done, take it out of the oven and put the pan on a rack to cool.
With the help of a knife, loosen the edges from the pan but let it cool in the pan only.
8.  It is now ready to eat so unmold it on a platter  and start-off immediately!



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