Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fruit-Custard Pie, with a difference!

                                                          Fruit- Custard Pie

If you are fond of fruits, don't have too sweet a tooth, like desserts but want to watch your weight also, then this is the ideal dessert for you! I had some left-over Danish Pastry dough with me some time back and I wanted to do something different with it and, this is what I ended-up making. Below is the step-by-step procedure that I followed-

The Ingredients I used-  Danish pastry dough for a 9inch pie; 2 ripe mangoes; thick custard, made
with 1/2 liter milk; approx. 120gm. melted chocolate (60gm. bitter-sweet+60gm.milk chocolate); 1tsp.
vanilla essence.

This is how I made it-

1.   First of all I rolled the dough to fit into an 8inch pie dish, put it in the prepared dish pressing on all sides and applied a few tiny cuts on the bottom and sides, with a sharp knife. I kept it aside,covered with plastic wrap, for 1/2 hr.for the dough to rise and then baked it blind till pale golden.The mistake I made was that I rolled it too thick so, by the time I got around to baking it, it was so fluffed-up that after baking there was hardly any space left in it to make a traditional pie. This is the time I thought of making a simple fruit and thick custard filling.
2.   Next, I made a thick custard with milk, custard powder, sugar and vanilla essence and set it aside to cool. The next step was to chop some fruit which could be used in desserts. Mango is the best and tastiest fruit available in summertime Jhansi so I chose 2 ripe mangoes and chopped and piled them in the pie-shell when it had cooled down to room temperature.

3.   When the custard had also cooled to room temperature I covered the fruit with custard, making a mound
and put the pie in the fridge for 2hrs. to let the custard 'set'. 

4.   Lastly, I chopped and melted the chocolate in the double boiler and drizzled it over the custard. The pie was again put in the fridge for the chocolate to set.   
 Once the chocolate was set I just cut thick wedges with a sharp
knife and sat down with my family to enjoy this unusual, but very tasty dessert!

            I used mangoes but you can use any fruit of your choice.


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